Bottom line: Use guideline-based Vancomycin dosing and monitoring to maximize treatment success and reduce unnecessary plasma Vancomycin levels and needless dosage changes.
Adult Dosing Recommendations:

Loading dose

Use a loading dose in:

  • Serious infections where rapid attainment of target trough level of 15-20 mg/L is desired, e.g. vertebral osteomyelitis, MRSA pneumonia, epidural abscess, septic shock.
  • Patients with significant renal dysfunction to decrease the time required to attain target trough level.
  • 25-30 mg/kg (based on actual body weight; no maximum dose) single dose, followed by maintenance dose separated by the recommended dosing interval.

Maintenance dose

  • 15 mg/kg (based on actual body weight) dose (maximum of 2 g/dose)
  • Doses >500 mg – round to the nearest 250 mg.
  • Doses <500 mg – round to the nearest 50 mg.

Dosing interval

Calculated Creatinine Clearance (CRCL) (mL/min) Dosing Interval for trough 10-20 mg/L Dosing Interval for trough 15-20 mg/L
≥80 q12h q8h q12h q8h
40 – 80 q24h q12h q24h q12h
20 – 40 q36h q24h q36h q24h
10 – 20 q48h q48h q48h q48h
<10 Consider loading dose. Obtain a pharmacist consult.

For more details and pediatric dosing, see


  • Peak (post) levels are NOT recommended.
  • Trough (pre) levels (taken 30 minutes or less before next dose) are recommended in:
    • Patients with deteriorating/unstable renal function (increase in baseline serum creatinine of 40 µmol/L or greater, or increase of 50% or more from baseline).
    • Morbidly obese patients (190% or greater of ideal body weight, or BMI 40 kg/m² or greater).
    • Patients with anticipated therapy ≥ 7 days.
    • Patients who are severely ill (e.g. sepsis) and/or require a target trough of 15-20 mg/L (see table on next page).
    • Patients with the altered volume of distribution or clearance of vancomycin (e.g. cystic fibrosis, pediatrics, elderly 60 years or older, cancer, burns more than 20% body surface area).
    • Selected dialysis patients (e.g. high flux and continuous hemodialysis/filtration).
Infection Desired Trough Level (mg/L)
Osteomyelitis, Pneumonia, CNS infection, Endocarditis, Bacteremia, Serious MRSA infections 15-20
Other Infections 10-20
  • The first trough level should be taken at steady-state* and after at least 2 maintenance doses (~30 hours if normal renal function, prior to 4th dose if q12h, or prior to 5th dose if q8h.)
    • Vancomycin clearance is enhanced in obesity. For morbidly obese patients, consider drawing first level sooner (e.g. before 2nd or 3rd dose).
  • Subsequent trough levels:
    • With dosage change: trough should be taken at new steady-state* as described above.
    • Once target trough is achieved: trough should be taken every 7-10 days in hemodynamically stable patients; may need more frequently if hemodynamically unstable, renal function changing, or the patient is on concurrent nephrotoxic drugs.
  • NB: Do NOT hold the next vancomycin dose while waiting for results of plasma levels unless there is a specific order to do so, e.g. because of concerns of toxicity/adverse events and/or significant decline in kidney function.

*Steady-state (SS) occurs in 4 to 5 half-lives and can be estimated for vancomycin by using the following equations:
ke = CRCL*0.00083 + 0.0044                                                     t1/2 = 0.693 / ke                                       SS = 4 to 5 * t1/2

Pharmacist Adaptation Policy

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References, accessed 9 November 2018.
Optimizing Vancomycin Dosing & Monitoring:, accessed 9 November 2018.

  • Post category:Clinical Pharmacy
  • Post last modified:September 16, 2024