
Pharmacology is a branch of pharmaceutical sciences which is concerned with the study of drug or medication action, More specifically, it is the study of the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function. If substances have medicinal properties, they are considered pharmaceuticals.

The field encompasses drug composition and properties, synthesis and drug design, molecular and cellular mechanisms, organ/systems mechanisms, signal transduction/cellular communication, molecular diagnostics, interactions, chemical biology, therapy, and medical applications and antipathogenic capabilities. The two main areas of pharmacology are pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.


Pharmacodynamics studies the effects of a drug on biological systems

Medication Allergic Reactions Blurred Vision Diarrhea Headache Muscle Weekness Nausea Vomiting Stomach Upset
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Pharmacokinetics discusses the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of chemicals from the biological systems

Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Drugs
Drug Drug Class Bioavailability Excretion Elimination half-life (T1/2) Metabolism
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  • Post category:Academic / Pharmacology
  • Post last modified:April 26, 2021