[expand title=”PHM 622: Patient and Medication Safety” rel=”PHM 622: Patient and Medication Safety” tag=”h1″] [expandsub2 title=”Creating a culture of patient safety” tag=”h2″] [expandsub3 title=”Patient Safety Culture” tag=”h3″] Definition: Patient safety culture is the shared values and beliefs held by individuals, teams, or organizations.
Importance: Patient safety culture contributes to patient safety:
– Determines accepted practices
– Acts as a barrier or enabler to behaviors that promote patient safety
– Errors are not due to a single action but usually many latent conditions align with each other leading to an active error (swiss cheese Model)

Components of Patient Safety Culture
Patient safety culture is multi-dimensional, consisting of many components

• Informed Culture
• Reporting Culture
• Learning Culture
• Just Culture
• Flexible Culture

Organizations support for safety culture:

  • Leadership Commitment to Safety
  • Effective Teamwork & Communication
  • Providing Resources for Patient Safety
  • Prioritizing Safety
  • Engaging Patients & Families
[expandsub4 title=”Punitive Culture” tag=”h4″]

• Blame and shame
• Focus on the person
• Expectation of perfection

Results in:
• Discipline determined by severity of outcome
• Apparent fixes
• Reduced reporting and weakened systems
• Increased stress and reduced job satisfaction

Actions directed at individuals
• Errors are the result of human failures
• Use re-training, and punishment to root out “bad apples

[/expandsub4] [expandsub4 title=”Psychological Safety” tag=”h4″]Target Content
[expandsub5 title=”Individual Level” tag=”h5″]Target Content[/expandsub5] [expandsub5 title=”Group Level” tag=”h5″]Target Content[/expandsub5] [expandsub5 title=”Organizational Level” tag=”h5″]Target Content[/expandsub5][/expandsub4] [expandsub3 title=”Disclosure of Medication Incidents” tag=”h3″]Target Content[/expandsub3] [expandsub3 title=”Supporting Practitioners Involved in Medication Incidents” tag=”h3″]Target Content[/expandsub3] [expandsub3 title=”The Importance of Incident Reporting” tag=”h3″]Target Content[/expandsub3] [/expandsub2][/expand]
  • Post category:Pharm.D
  • Post last modified:April 14, 2021